Shaastra: Klippd blog

Stay Klippd, Stay Frugal

Smart SpendingYouQuestionWeAnswer

Do coupon websites really save you money?

Well, the answer without saying goes a BIG YES…

We live in an information age and the person who is first with the information saves a lot of money or makes a lot of money.

We all know many websites have there codes or coupons directly listed on their website but what we do not know is that there are many other codes which will give you some more discounts than the usual ones.

Lately, I was able to buy a Jio Fi for only Rs. 1200 well if I account the cash back give by klippd than only Rs. 1050 πŸ™‚

But as soon as the company came to know about this loop hole they removed it. So, I think I was among the first to take advantage of the same, well no doubt, it was through klippd, I cam to know about this information.

I managed to control my medicines cost by around 90% only due to coupons and cashbacks available on klippd


So, trust me, you can save huge and there was a time when you can get many products for almost free.

FYI – I got 2 jiofi for that price and I sold one over olx for Rs. 1600 πŸ™‚

So this is a tip, in case you are able to find any of such deals, just buy it and then sell it in the open market for a profit.

Well klippd does even have a smart spending category to make you save even more.

Hope this helps and answer the query.

Do search for klippd on google.