Shaastra: Klippd blog

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Smart SpendingYouQuestionWeAnswer

Where can I find generic medicine substitutes of regular costly medicines?

Very good question and in fact need of the hour. With ever increasing costs and decreasing savings, we need to find ways to reduce our expenses on everything.

The best way to save on medicines is using generic, how ever, a note of caution here. Please do consult your doctor before taking generics. The best way to find generics or alternatives is online medical sites like 1mg, netmeds, practo etc to name a few.

We like 1mg in particular as it has got awesome appeal.

Did you knew that we can help you reduce your medicine costs by another 25% including generics.

Once you find the generics, you are anyways reducing your cost by 50% but after applying for netmeds coupons, 1mg coupons, medlife coupons, practo coupons, you save another 25% and extra cashback from klippd always.

Practo helps save on medicines

You can read further on how to save on medicines Where can I buy medicines online in India?

Hope this would help you and if it did please do spread the word. Thanks

Stay klippd, Stay frugal, Stay Happy, Stay Healthy